A Layer of Texture

I've been on the lookout for the perfect rug for our bedroom. I'm looking for a rug that will look great on over our wood floors and great after they are refinshed a dark walnut. But my main goal is adding another layer of texutre in our room. I'm a huge fan of Overstock and thier prices and shipping rates, so it was not surprise that I began my area rug search there. 

I really like the idea of using a natrual fiber rug in our bedroom. Here are some natrual fiber rugs that cought my eye.

The first one is called the Waeves Natrual rug 6x9 Sisal rug. i like the size and natrul color of the rug. I read though the reviews and almost all of them were positive. This one is $ 169.99 which is super affoarbale.

This is a banded sisal rug I do like, its 5 x 8 for a crazy low price of $ 109.88. All the reviews were positive about this rug.
I also dig this Hand woven Natrual Jute rug 5 x 8 this is an upclose look at the rug. I like the the mixed pattern on of the two colors. This rug is only $ 69.99

This Hand-woven Chapra rug is also nice, I like the color of the rug a nice tan that would work well with our bedroom colors. It's a 5 x 8 rug for $ 107.99.  

I love how the natrual fiber rugs look in the bedroom below. The bedroom below in is relaxing and femmnie and the jute rug adds a nice element of teuxutre on the wood floors. I normally don't like branded area rugs, but love the band on the rug below.

I plan on ordering our rug soon once on room is more complete. I still need to take some mearusrements of th area we would like the rug to cover to make sure we order the correct size. I also thought, if we didn't like the rug on in bedroom depending on the size it would work perfet in our living room.
Do any of your own a natrual fibers rug or have considered buying one? If you alredy own one do you like it?