My Daily Supplement Routine

Last month was insane, am I right! Change after change, and honestly, it was a super stressful month. Mostly full of the unknown, and its weighed on my peace of mind. With all this uncertainty, I know it's even more important to take care of myself and practice self-care. One of my daily musts is my supplement routine. Vitamins are an essential part of your day; they help fill in the nutrient gaps in your diet.

About a year ago, I started taking Hair, Skin, and Nail vitamins to help strengthen my nails, I considered everything else a bonus. I quickly noticed my fingernails were grower faster and stronger. Goodbye, broken fingernails.

Fast forward six months ago, I added a few more vitamins to my daily routine to help round out my dietary need. I started taking a women's multi-vitamins and an Energy Vitamin B-12.

I've noticed a difference in my energy levels and overall health. When it comes to vitamins, I'm all about chewable! I'm currently taking the following vitamins: Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin & Nails, OLLY Women’s Multi-Vitamins and Nature Made Energy B12

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I would love to hear from you, what daily vitamins do you take, and why?