Our Home: Building Progress

As a reminder every Friday I'll be sharing updates of our home rebuilding progress, in case your a new reader to Chic Little House our home is being rebuilt due to a fire in July 2013. I love seeing progress at our home, everyday its a reminder we are closer to moving back home which is a good feeling! But, I still consider the 'building phase' the boring part, lol. I'm so looking forward to the design phase where we seeing our ideas coming together & becoming a reality. I'm really in love with how our bedroom addition of a master closet, bathroom and french doors is coming along, read more about our floor plan changes here. 

 Here's our new view in our bedroom in the middle opening their will be french doors, on the left side is our walk-in closet on the right our new bathroom. 

In last weeks home progress post, I mentioned how I was having a creative block with our bedroom and was hoping that would change once I was able to walk in the space. I'm happy to say my creative block is clearing, and I'm starting to work out some ideas for our bedroom. I can't wait to find the perfect fabric for our drapes for the french doors and our bedroom window. 

Here's our new view standing in the backyard looking into our master bedroom where our new french doors will go. I'm hoping our bedroom will get lots of natural light. Read more about my french door inspirations here

More progress is happening in our main bathroom, we placed the tiny old bathroom window with a wider window that will let more natural light in.