Porch Re-Arrangement

Remember a few weeks back, when I said I wanted to make our front porch more inviting and all around just prettier? So far we've completed a couple of projects: painted our front door & tamed our vines. After completed our vine project I played around with the porch arrangement. Below is how our front porch looked for months.

I moved the standing planters that we next to the front to the other side of the our porch. Even though I liked the planters there, they blocked the entrance/exit to our small porch. I also moved the white terra cotta pot from the inside the flower bed, next to our front door. I also added another terra cotta paint (spray painted it glossy red) to our front entrance.

This gives you an idea, of the width of our front porch. I like the new layout better. I'm still planning on painting the faux terra cotta pots (in the stands) a color, just sure what color. Or do they look better, now that they are moved? Our color palette for our house is grey, white, black and now red.....I don't mind adding a 5th color to the mix. Maybe a bright yellow, orange or limey green? Need suggestions!

It was such a lovely weekend to work on outdoor projects, while I was arranging away, Mojo was chilling in the sun.

Up next, I'll be making to two pillows for our chairs in the cheap, and looking for a petite indoor /outdoor rug for the porch. The rug might be on pause until we complete some other projects. What do you think of the new layout, and again any color suggestions on the faux terra cotta pots?
