Project List Update: January

At the begining of the year I decided to keep a monlthy project list to stay on track.

My Goals & How I Actually Did

Paint Bedroom Dresser - Dresser Primed! Need to buy paint
Paint Small Desk for Sons Room - Didn't even touch his desk
Paint bench for bedroom - Done!
Order fabric for bench - Done! See bench here
Sew Pillow Covers - Fabric Cut, will sew over weekend?
Create Mood Boards for Master Bedroom - No board but lots of ideas
& Sons Bedroom - Ideas in my head, nothing concrete
Finally find the perfect faux or engineered flooring for Dining Room & Kitchen - DONE! We have all our flooring and have ripped up all the tile, next up is installing our new floors. This project slowed down some above projects.

I'm feeling pretty good about getting at least 2 projects done, it looks like other items will move into Feb. This project list has really kept me focused and motivated, to at least try at get a bunch of stuff done....What keeps you motivated to get your projects done?