
Hello Friends! Welcome to #LaunchDay. It looks a little different around here, right? Over the weekend I switched my blog from Blogger to SqaureSpace and couldn't be more happier and excited. I designed my new blog myself, so it's both thrilling and scary to share! I'm still working on getting everything linked properly, sure I could have waited a few more weeks until everything was perfect. However, its like getting a new pair of high heels, you just got to break them in vs. keeping them in the box for that "perfect night on the town." I totally prefer living life now and not waiting for the imaginary "perfect day." Over the course of the next week, my pages will be completed and all the links will be up and running yay! 

After blogging on Blogger platform for so many years, taking the jump to SqaureSpace was long over do. As a non HTML Code person, this was a perfect move for my blog and where I see everything headed. Once my SquareSpace training wheels are off so to speak, I'll write a blog post about the pros / cons along with tips about my experience with SS. So far I'm loving that my blog now has a landing page (the first page you arrive at) and the ability to add pages that can be seen in toolbar and or not seen. 

In addition to the 4 main projects around my house I plan on tackling (see here), I'm also launching a monthly newsletter. My newsletter will focus on sharing a design tip / recipes and a fun craft of DIY project, make sure you sign up on my sidebar so you don't miss out. Along with the newsletter, I'll be sharing a few #blogging tips on my blog this year and chatting & answering design questions and dilemmas on Periscope. Are you scratching your head about what Periscope is? I see it as YouTube + Instagram have a kid and its Periscope, basically you use your phone as a live streaming device and your followers are able to ask you questions about your topic, you can follow me over there @chiclittlehouse 

 As a said,. I'll be working on get all the tweaks & links up and running over the next week. Now for the scary party, what to do you think of the new Chic Little House blog?