Happy Easter

This year Easter seems later, but it still manged to sneak up on me. We keep Easter low key around here, and I'll be making a yummy brunch along with some sweets. I've seriously pinned so many goodies on Pinterest its crazy lol. Don't these Frosted Sugar Cookie Bars look oh so yummy! In addition to brunch a simple egg hunt on the backyard along with a movie in the early afternoon. Thinking we might go see Bears it looks like such a sweet movie and perfect since Earthy Day is right around the corner.

On Saturday morning, Avery will be dying Easter eggs which should be lots of fun! I a;dp bought some pretty plastic eggs from Target, two bags for less than two dollars not bad at all and perfect backup if the dyed Easter eggs come out 'interesting.'

We also have plans to work on our patio (getting everything cleaned up) and I'll be building something for it! Can't wait to share with you all what I built! 

Hoping you all have a wonderful weekend!