This Week

This week we were at Lowes 3 times, as much as I love the place, going there that much meant we where spending some money, lol. One trip we ordered our counters, I should have a sample of the color we chose after our counters are templates on Tuesday { its a really pretty color, and we opted not to go all white!! } The next trip, we bought some replacement outlet plugs for our living room, new air filter for our AC Unit and larger tomato cage for our garden. I know super random trip lol. Then next trip led to us making a another big purchase for our kitchen, that we where hoping to do at a later date, oh well. I'll share what we bought next week. Before our counter top abandonment at Lowes, Hasani had the cute idea to put Avery in the one of the model sinks, lol. I could have died, it was so freaking cute! My baby looked so cute in the sink, and oh my I loved how deep the sink was! 

I think my baby likes the pull down faucets too :)

He looks so tiny in this picture, and trust me he's not! lol 

Hope you all have a good weekend! Late today i'll be sharing my 'Pin of the Week' 