10 Brilliant Pinterest Strategies

I’ve got mad love for Pinterest. Every day I find another reason to love it, don’t you? Pretty inspiration for days, right? For me Pinterest is more than a site to view beautiful pictures, it’s a tool I use to help showcase my blog. A Year ago, I began to rethink my Pinterest account and how I used Pinterest for my blog. I decided to create a Pinterest Strategy to organize my Pinnable content, increase my blog readership, grow my email subscribers, attract new Pinterest followers, along with gaining more insight to who my readers are and what content they enjoy on my blog.

Today on the blog, Lauren from Color Hug and I are spilling some major tea about our Pinterest Strategies and how we’ve used Pinterest to grow our blogs. Fun Fact, Pinterest is our #1 Referral Source that helps drive traffic from Pinterest to our websites. Whether you're blogging for profit, fun or a mixture of both, it's important to implement a Pinterest Strategy into your blogging process. Enabling these tips outlined below will help you gain more clarity on how to effectively use Pinterest as a blogger.

Before jumping into the post, quick intros are in order! Lauren is the owner of Color Hug; teaching bloggers & creativepreneurs to maximize their time with E-course/tips and strategies. Lauren is my go-to girl for all things blogging + good friend! If you're joining me from Lauren's blog, welcome! I'm Katrina; small home design expert sharing design solutions for real life, I tackle design & DIY projects and share how you can do it too! 

10 Brilliant Pinterest Strategies 

ONE. Clarify Your Bio: Writing your mini bio for Social Media can be tough! You're only given so many characters to describe all your awesomeness. When it comes to your Social Media bio, keep to simple and to the point, consider it an abbreviated version of your blog bio. My old Pinterest bio was Editor and Chief of Chic Little House, lover of vintage furniture and creating a pretty life. But, what does any of that even mean? I clarified and simplified….my bio now reads ‘Small Home Design Expert // Blogger // Creative Design Solutions for Real Life. My new bio is much clearer and to the point. 

TWO. Join Group Boards and Create Your Own Group Board: When Pinterest changed their Algorithms in 2016, it changed how you would see pins. Meaning most the popular content is viewed faster and more often. Because Pinterest is like one big search engine it's important to join Group Pinterest boards with like minded content where you're able to re-pin your pins to the group boards. Participating in a group board gets more eyes on your pins, now everyone in the group is seeing your pins + the members followers. This increases your visibility on Pinterest. Also, consider creating a group board and invite other bloggers and pinners to pin to join, for the same reasons mentioned above. 

Pro Tip: The more you pin, you increase the eyes on your pins and boards. Don’t have time to spend online all day pinning? Tailwind is a paid service you can use to schedule out your pins. I use the free portion to view my Pin Data (more on that below). 

THREE. Create a Board Dedicated to Your Blog & Rename Your Boards and Get Them Organized. Instead of my blog posts being randomly sprinkled throughout my Pinterest Boards, I have a dedicated Pinterest Board specifically for my blog. After I write a new blog post, I pin my Image and save in the Chic Little House BLOG Post Board. Now new followers can quickly browse through my blog post board and get an idea of what I blog about and my style. Your dedicated blog post board must be listed first and be the first board people see when browsing on your page, this is crucial. 

Now that you have a Pinterest board dedicated to your blog posts it's time to get organized and get rid of those cutesy named boards that have zero meaning to a potential new Pinterest follower or blog reader. Let’s be real; cutesy isn’t searchable. A year ago, my boards were all randomly named and not searchable; I’ll get to that part in a minute. I was clueless as to why I wasn't attracting new Pinterest followers. For example, my one of my boards was Oh So Lovely Living Rooms; I renamed that board Living Room Style. Now giving Pinners a clear understanding of what the board is about. In fact, I added the word Style at the end of almost all my Pinterest Boards. Having my boards defined has helped me increase my Pinterest following. 

Make Your Boards Searchable in Pinterest; I updated the description of each of my Pinterest boards. Listing keywords appropriate for the board; for example small homes, living room, grey paint colors, etc. and updated the category the board falls under. 

Chic Little House BLOG Post - All Blog Posts Are Pinned Here! 

FOUR. Pin Your Own Pins: When I first joined Pinterest, I rarely Pinned my blog posts, why you ask? It just felt odd, like hey look at me and what I’m up too! When I flipped my mindset about my blog goals, I realized it's an absolute must to pin my images! I’m no longer shy; I want people to visit my blog! Pinterest is another tool for people to discover your blog. Think about it, Pinterest is a visible Google. When you're looking for a cute outfit idea, beautiful living room or workout plan nine times out of ten you're on Pinterest, looking at images that draw you in, you pin it to your board and then head to the post to read more. Going forward pin your images, to the board dedicated to your blog and then re-pin to related board and group boards

Pro Tip: Re-pin your images often to the same board, it helps to move those popular pins up 

FIVE. Know Your Stats: Regardless if you're blogging for profit, dipping your toes into sponsored content or blogging for fun, it’s important to know your Pin stats. By knowing what your most popular Pinterest Pins are you’ll have a better idea of what enjoy reading & pinning from your blog. I freaking love Pinterest Analytics! I have a Business Pinterest account, which allows me to view my top pins, see which boards are getting the most impressions, clicks and saves. FYI My most Pinned Baord is my Chic Little House Blog Post board! If you haven't already convert your Pinterest account to a business account. 
Pinterest recently got rid of the like button and replaced it with pin stats button! I’m so happy they did! I’m finding the pin stats button incredibly informative. I’m quickly able to see my Pin Stats on my Pins; it breaks down how many times the pin has been viewed since being pinned and the total number of engagements. The pin stats are a great indicator of what is currently trending on from my blog and re-pins. 


When I first started using Pinterest, I thought of it as a place to visually save great ideas that I wanted to try (recipes, home decor, stationery design, etc.).  As time went on, I began to realize that Pinterest is an awesome search engine (even better than Google sometimes!), and as a blogger I should be using this to my advantage in order to attract my ideal audience.  I had a mindset shift from pinning for myself to pinning for others.  This means that instead of pinning awesome hairstyles for a rainy day, I started pinning email marketing, blogging strategies and other tips that align with the focus of my blog.  Now I think of Pinterest not only as a source of inspiration, but also as a marketing hub.  The 5 strategies below can bring your Pinterest account to another level and generate more traffic to your website:

SIX. Customize your Pinterest page by creating branded board covers: As you may know, you can choose an image that represents a Pinterest board.  It’s called a cover photo.  Why not brand your Pinterest account by designing your own cover photo?  I have custom board covers for my first three boards which represent the Color Hug brand.

Since the board cover photos are square, I used the dimensions 736x736 pixels which is approximately 10 inches squared.  If you do not have a design program to create this in, you can always create it using the free online design tool, Canva.

All Color Hug Specific Boards are Branded!


SEVEN. Post your Instagram photos to a Pinterest board automatically: If you do not already, I encourage you to post your Instagram photos to Pinterest.  This is a simple way to cross promote and continue to attract your audience.  Since Pinterest and Instagram are both visual platforms, it only makes sense to use them in conjunction with each other.  The best thing about it?  You don’t even have to remember to pin.  You can create an automated task that will do the pinning for you as soon as you post on Instagram!  I blogged about this is detail (along with a few more reasons why pinning your Instagram photos is smart) and included step-by-step instructions on how to set the task up.  Here’s the link to that post

EIGHT. Promote your pins: I promote pins, and they have been a huge source of activity to my website as well as new email subscribers.  Pinterest makes it affordable to promote a pin, so any budget will work.  I usually pay $0.10 per click to my website from my promote pins (yep, 10 cents!).  I also give myself a $1.00 a day limit, so I spend no more than $30 a month.  Promoting your pins gets them seen by even more eyes and often adds you earlier to the search results than standard pins.  If you are going to promote a pin, you should be very strategic about it and have an end goal in mind.  For example, my most popular promoted pin is for my free resource library for bloggers.  As a result of this promoted pin, I have had hundreds of new email subscribers.  Without the promoted pin and getting in front of the specific audience that I chose in the setup process, I wouldn’t have nearly as many email subscribers as I do today.  If you’re interested in knowing more reasons why promoted Pinterest pins are an awesome tool to use, check out my blog post all about it.

NINE. Use CTA’s on your website to encourage people to pin your content: you may have heard the term CTA which means Call To Action.  This means that you are suggesting and encouraging someone to do something.  This is oftentimes done by using phrases such as “Click here to sign up”, “Join my crew by clicking here”, etc.  You can use the same strategy for the images on your blog to encourage readers to Pin the items to their board.  Maybe you have an image and underneath it there is a “Pin it” button and you say “If you loved this image, Pin It so that you never forget it!”.  Just including a simple CTA will give you a higher chance of having your images pinned from your site.  It’s also a great idea to make Pinning easier by including “Pin It” buttons that appear whenever someone hovers over one of your images.  Convenience is key!


TEN. The Secret Sauce: Rich Pins: this is the tip of all tips!  Enabling rich pins for your Pinterest account will take your Pins to a whole new level.  Not only do rich pins have a better chance of appearing earlier in search results, but also they turn your pin into a powerhouse. A standard pin only shows your profile picture, the description that you type directly into the pin details and a button that says “Visit” that viewers can click to be directed to the image source.  The thing is, these days this just isn't enough (especially with the ever changing algorithms that Pinterest continues to tweak).  When you go through the process of enabling your account for rich pins, you are really doing the following:

  • Including more data on the pin that comes directly from your blog (this is also known as meta data and tells Pinterest things such as the headline/blog post title, the author and story description)
  • Adding a button that says “Read It” rather than “visit” if you post articles on your site (AKA your blog posts), “Make It” along with the ingredients and instructions if you post recipes, real-time prices and availability if you pin products, and “Install” if you are pinning an App.  Here is more info on the benefits of rich pins
  • Adding the intro of your blog post so that readers can start reading the post (and get excited about it!) before even clicking over to your site.

In order to enable rich pins, you must switch to a Business Pinterest account.  I love having a business account because I have more insight on pin activity, popularity, pinner interests and detailed reports.

If You Love this Post, Pin It! 

Do you love the Pinterest Tea we spilled today!! Lauren and I hope these strategies will help you in growing your readership, Pinterest followers, and re-pins! Don't forget to spread the love and Pin This Post. What tips did you find helpful and what strategies do you use on Pinterest?

5 Reasons Your Blog Needs an Editorial Calendar

If your a blogger, whats your method for planning out your Blog Content? When I first started blogging seven years ago, I blogged as I went. I saved all my blog post ideas as drafts, back when I was on Blogger. Most of my blog ideas sat as drafts for months on end, with nothing getting done. At the time I didn't have a system in place to to plan out my content. I now know that systems creative consistency. If you've been blogging for any length of time you may have heard of the term Editorial Calendar for your blog, but your not really sure what it is or how it can help you become more consistent creating your content. My friend Lauren of Color Hug is spilling some creative tea sharing 5 Reasons Your Blog Needs an Editorial Calendar, along with sharing her process of planning out content. I'm over at Color Hug today sharing my thoughts on creating an Editorial Calendars for your blog, plus my process of planning content.